Ensuring Academic Excellence for All

Vote Nicole Hunker for School Board on April 2nd

Prioritize Core Skills
Respect for Parent Values and Rights
Ignite a Love for Lifelong Learning
Academic Excellence for All
Future Ready Education
Interconnectedness of Health and Education

Prioritize Core Skills

  • Emphasize Reading Proficiency: Ensure all students achieve grade-level reading competence.
  • Strengthen Writing Skills: Focus on developing strong writing abilities essential for future success.
  • Boost Math Proficiency: Provide targeted support to attain grade-level proficiency in mathematics.

Respect for Parent Values and Rights

  • Encourage Parental Involvement: Foster increased engagement and volunteerism among parents to strengthen the school community.
  • Empower Parental Support: Facilitate active involvement at all levels to strengthen collaboration between parents and educators.

Ignite a Love for Lifelong Learning

  • Cultivate Passion: Inspire students to find joy and curiosity in continuous learning.
  • Value Every Contribution: Emphasize that everyone possesses unique knowledge and perspectives, contributing meaningfully to the learning community.

Academic Excellence for All

  • Equal Opportunities: Strive to provide a high standard of education accessible to every student.
  • Personalized Support: Tailor approaches to ensure each student reaches their full academic potential.
  • Collaborative Approach: Recognizing that success hinges on collective support from parents, educators, and the broader community.

Future-Ready Education

  • Tech Proficiency: Equip students with essential technological skills for the evolving landscape.
  • Vocational Readiness: Provide practical skills and training for success in various professions.
  • University Preparation: Ensure students are academically prepared for higher education opportunities.

Interconnectedness of Health and Education

  • Educate Effectively: Address the health of children to enhance the effectiveness of education.
  • Maintain Health: Recognize that the well-being of children is crucial for sustaining their educational progress.

Dear Elmbrook Community: I'd like to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for the unwavering support you've shown throughout our school board campaign. Unfortunately, we didn't secure the victory we had hoped for. Nonetheless, this journey has been enlightening, and I urge everyone to stay informed about our educational landscape. While we have exceptional representatives in Kathy, Sam, and Linda, it's crucial for our community to remain vigilant in supporting them and holding the administration to higher standards. We cannot afford to lose more talented educators due to ideological agendas and administrative indifference. Our children's futures are too valuable to relent now. Engage with your neighbors and friends, attend school board meetings, and make your voices heard. Let's keep fighting for a better tomorrow. With sincere Gratitude, Nicole Hunker


The polls are open!!! Please exercise your right to vote and make your voice and values loud and clear! Thank you to all who have supported me in this incredible journey! I have met and connected with many incredible individuals in this community. No matter the differences, the passion and dedication to our children is one thing that we all share! Go to https://myvote.wi.gov to see where you vote and what is on your ballot! Peter for Elmbrook Schools and I are excited to serve and Ensure Elmbrook Excellence for All learners!


Thank you Sam Hughes for Elmbrook for the kind words and everything you are doing to support me! You have made such an incredibly positive impact on our board and for our community! Thank you for your service and dedication to Elmbrook!


Early Voting Ends this Friday! Reminder— there are extended hours (7pm) TONIGHT (3/26) and TOMORROW (3/27) for Brookfield residents. Connect with other community members to encourage them to vote this week!


Parents play a vital role in shaping their children's values, beliefs, and perspectives. We are the first educators, laying the foundation for our children's learning through early childhood development. Encouraging ongoing family involvement in the education system is beneficial for the holistic development of a child. Parental engagement fosters a supportive learning environment and enhances a child's overall educational experience. Together, we will prepare our children for a life full of opportunities and successes. #nicoleforelmbrook #elmbrookexcellence #parentshaveavoicetoo #peterforelmbrook


It’s a beautiful day to get out to vote! Early voting has started so please consider voting today if you are heading out of town for Spring Break. Your voice matters! Make it count! #elmbrookexcellence #nicoleforelmbrook #peterforelmbrook #VoteApril2 Go to —-> www.nicoleforelmbrook.com — Join us in Ensuring Elmbrook Excellence for All!


Note the extended hours!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Get out there Elmbrook and let your voice be heard!


There is so much good and kindness in the world if we are just willing to look outside ourselves. While at a dance competition this past weekend, I was able to experience what true teamwork and support looks like. During the honored exhibition dance, one dancer was so nervous to be on stage she stood completely still in the back while her teammates performed. One dancer noticed the discomfort of her teammate and went to the back to dance along side her. It was a beautiful moment. This girl gave up her spot towards the front to support her very nervous teammate. The smiles that followed could have melted anyone’s heart. Let’s all take after this student's act of kindness and support those on our team that need a little extra encouragement. Team Work Makes The Dream Work!! Join my team of supporters ------>www.nicoleforelmbrook.com #elmbrookexcellence #nicoleforelmbrook #peterforelmbrook #ElmbrookSchools #VoteApril2 #schoolboard #yourvoicematters #teamworkmakesthedreamwork


Thank you to all who attended or stopped by our Q&A tonight at Elm Grove Lutheran church fellowship hall. It was great to see so many new faces and share our values and goals in being Elmbrook school board members! Thank you to John for being our emcee this evening!!! Join us— it’s time for fresh perspectives and new energy for Elmbrook schools. Let’s become what’s next! —-> Learn, Connect, Donate—> www.nicoleforelmbrook.com #peterforelmbrook #nicoleforelmbrook #VoteApril2 #ElmbrookSchools #ensureexcellence #newenergy #schoolboard


Find out where to vote.

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